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Affiliate Programme

Become a Kiyo Beauty Afiiliate

If you are a hair blogger, Youtuber, or Instagrammer with over 10K followers and a passion to share the benefits of our products, then we’d love you to join our affiliate programme. Your honest reviews and recommendations will earn your followers dis

Be part of our evolution

We've been on the natural hair scene for over a decade, so we know a thing or two! We search the world for products that work. Our years of experience brought us to a place where we are able to put knowledge in your hands about the best products for


UK residents only - (non-UK applications will only be considered if you have a large UK audience)Must be aged 18+Have a public Instagram accountHave a Paypal account

Programme Highlights

10% commissions on all sales referred30 day cookie - You get credit for any orders within 30 days of the original click placed by the customerAverage order size of £40Free swag + exclusive discounts

How to join

It’s simple: